
Showing posts from April, 2024

One Week later

Hello, I wanted to update my Blog and let everyone know how I am doing. I am starting to pay off some debt but will not lie on this, I did relapse this week. I get in my head about this debt, and all the bills I need to pay and get very overwhelmed. I would love to hear from you guys more, and see if anyone else is dealing with this and what you are doing to help. After relapsing and losing more money I felt very depressed and down with nowhere to go. Now that it is a couple days after I am realizing this is doable again, but can't make the same mistake.  I am getting help right now, which is good but I need to not go back down this road. It is hard not to feel like a failure sometimes during times like these but we need to always look in the future. Some good advice I have gotten is that the past is the past, and we are humans we are allowed to make mistakes but we need to learn from them. I try to hold onto the mindset of that this is a growing opportunity and not that I am a fai

27k in Credit Card Debt - My Journey

 Hello Everyone, I wanted to tell my story to help others, and maybe even hear from others in a similar situation.  It all started about 3 months ago when I was moving away from home for the first time, I got a new job and was taking the step of leaving my hometown for the first time in my life. As I began this move I was very excited and nervous, during this time I had about $2k in Credit Card debt from moving expenses and getting things for my new place. I got the idea of trying to use an online sportsbook to try and make some money to pay back this credit card debt, and as you can expect I ended up losing that money. I was a little worried about losing this money, but I knew my situation was not much worse than what I already knew. As I get to my new home I am very excited, the climate is much warmer than where I am from and I love to do outdoor activities. A week later I started my new job and everything is going very well, everyone is very friendly at my new job and I am very exci